concept hand sketch - jewelry design studio

CAD 3D file - jewelry design studio

project for Renaissance - jewelry design studio
JEWELRY DESIGN CREATIONS - design studio provides a wide range of jewelry design services ranging from beautiful hand renderings to illustrator drawings and CAD created images.
PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT - design studio can provide the full product development and model-making services using hand carved techniques or using the latest in CAD software and output services.
BUSINESS CONSULTING - The extensive global business experiences accumulated by the team can be extended by providing in-house business consulting ranging from logistics to overall mentoring on how to maneuver inside the fine jewelry world.
MERCHANDASING SERVICES - design studio has a rich global experiences of merchandising, evaluating assortment and price points for specific market and or target audiences. These session can be conducted on premises. The creating of visual merchandising tools such as display, packaging and in store design can be provided.